I place on record, my sincere thank you to […….] Dean of the Faculty, for the continuos encouragement.
I wish to express my sicere thanks to [………], Principal of the Faculty, for providing me with all the necessary facilities for the research.
Bachelor thesis acknowledgement example.
I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all, who directly or indirectly, have lemt their hand in this venture.
I take this opportunity to express gratitude to all of the Department faculty members for their help and support. I also thank my parents for the unceasin encouragement, support and attention. I am also grateful to my partner who supported me throught this venture.
I am also grateful to […….], lecturer, in the Department of […….]. I am extremly thankful and indebted to him for sharing expertise, and sincere and valuable guidance and encouragement extended to me.
Prima facea, I am grateful to the God for the good health and wellbeing that were necessary to complete this book.